Rita Ince is a Sydney-based photographer captivated by the dynamic and delicate connection between humans and our surroundings. Born in Romania from Hungarian heritage and having grown up and lived in Austria before moving to Australia for a bold change of direction, Rita is no stranger to a diversity of people, places, and ways of connecting through emotion and shared experiences. She captures her awe of the world from behind the lens, showcasing humanity and nature in all different shapes and forms beyond the obvious.
In her artistic practice, Rita coexists with her subjects in a state of flow that is born from curiosity and admiration, facilitated by patience and vulnerability, and ultimately unearths a profound connection to self and surroundings. The true nature of Rita’s subjects reveal themselves to her as they are both humbled by the intimacy of the creative process and seek to mesmerise the viewer with a tender moment of connection. Her work is liberating, passionate, and unapologetically human. Each series of photographs perfectly explore the fragility of life, as well as the resilience that can emerge from it.
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Rita x